Here is something that I think that most might not have remembered or thought of when considering the online options for libraries. But just as schools today are considering online options for what to do when schools are closed due to weather or other issues, so too can community libraries still serve their public through online options even though their doors have to be closed, in this case due to a power outage. On one side, I hate to see any library closed for any reason, but do understand that it will happen from time to time. In Florida, we add days to the school calendar to ensure that we will have enough days to maintain accreditation even if we get a major storm. I don't want this to be considered a substitute for a public library, but instead more like the redundancy built into a good system. This way if one part isn't working another can take up some of the need. Here also is where users having a variety of ebook devices could be useful. My tablet is good for about six to eight hours of continual use, but my kindle will run for about a month. So as power goes out (and when hurricanes are considered, you must plan for what could be weeks of no power), something that can run for an extended time and could be recharged off a couple of standard batteries or a solar re-charger is an excellent option. Then too, you can easily put your reader into a plastic bag and continue to read, even in the rain. I'm sure that even non-readers would really appreciate a book to read after a week without power.
While Parkland Library's closed, online resources and ebooks are available,0,254837.story
Damage in Miami resulting from a hurricane in 1926.
While Parkland Library's closed, online resources and ebooks are available,0,254837.story
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